What Kind Of Love Is This?

Love has often been reduced to an emotional high, likened to the waves of the sea that comes and goes, or words in a Hallmark card. But the kind of love that God created and demonstrated is a costly one because it involves sacrifice and presence.

Getting rid of the old: Embracing the new

Each new year,  some people make resolutions, some embark on modifying their behaviours or applying “feel-good” aphorisms, focusing on self improvement,  but these changes only last for weeks or months. The question is why these changes don’t last?

Seasons Greetings From IGC

As we celebrate this Christmas with our friends and loved ones, remember that God cares about those who have no influence, status, or reputation; the social outcasts, forgotten and rejected. As He chooses to reveal his mystery to shepherds, may we be the mystery through whom His love is revealed this Christmas.


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