Welcome to IGC (the International Gospel Church), we hope that you feel at home whether you’re just
visiting or you’re considering being with us more regularly. Our aim is that IGC will prove to be for you an Inclusive Grace-filled Community where you will be encouraged not simply to live gracefully, but to live fully by his grace.

Our worship services are designed to facilitate and express God’s love through songs, artists expressions, testimonies, prayers, teas and coffee and words of encouragement as we celebrate our multicultural nature of being church.

Simply- two things comes together in the model of our church life:
1. Continiously facilitating the tranformation of the spiritual well-being of our community while building one another up into the full measure and stature of Christ. Healing each other’s hurts and building each other’s dreams.
2. Seeking to improve the life chances of the wider community.

Our core values embody the following:
1. Giving and receiving God’s unconditional love
2. Connecting people with God and his people
3. Speaking words of encouragement, blessing, honoring and refusing gossip
4. Being diligent to lovingly restore someone who has lost their way
5. Being open, authentic and genuine in our relationships

It is our prayer that you will grow to know God and express his love to everyone you encounter.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you need any assistance.

Regards, Rian Francis


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