Christmas: Jesus The Reason For The Season

Gifts, Santa Clause, mince pies, and mulled wine are all associated with Christmas but is
this what Christmas is about? As we revisit this well told story, let us examine the
hidden nuggets that might have been overlooked by some.

  1. God choose Mary, a young unimportant girl from an unknown village. She had no
    influence or status. Yet, God choose her! She had a visitation from a special messenger,
    an angel, who addressed her as “favoured woman!” God favoured her!
  2. The announcement of Jesus’ birth was very low keyed to a selected few. They were
    not world leaders – kings, prime ministers or presidents, no CEO’s of Fortune 500
    companies, celebrities or YouTube influencers, they were overlooked and rejected
    shepherds. The good news was first shared with social outcasts – the forgotten, the
    rejected, no reputation, and the overlooked. 
  3. Jesus is the reason for the season. His arrival is “good news of great joy that will
    be for all the people” (Luke 2:10)

By Anne-Marie Francis


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