If you’re wondering exactly what type of church we are, hopefully, this page answers some of those questions.
We believe there is one God;
who exists eternally in three persons; Father, Son and Holy Spirit; who is sovereign in all things; past, present and future.
Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin. He lived as a man, fully human, yet fully God. To restore man’s relationship with God, He died on the cross, was raised from the dead and now lives with the Father. We believe He will come back for His people, the church. Jesus’ death paid the punishment that should have been ours, destroying the hold of sin in our lives and His resurrection conquered death enabling us to live for eternity with Him. Men need to admit they have rebelled against God, repent of their rebellion and give their lives back to God.
We believe the Bible is the written word of God and what is revealed in there about Jesus, the Father and the Holy Spirit – the Godhead.
We believe there is no hierarchy of Christians. No one is held in higher regard than
anyone else. All fall short of God’s standard and all relies on our Father’s Grace and
We believe in the priesthood of all believers. There are times during the service for
open prayer and for using our God-given gifts. We believe the gifts of the Holy Spirit are available to us now for the building up of
the church.
We believe in baptism as an outward sign of a change of heart and encourage all
believers to get baptised.
We do not believe in ‘one man ministry’. All Believers have access to the Father, the
Son and the Holy Spirit. Nobody has a monopoly on God, but all of us have different
roles to play in the church.

We believe in working with and for the community. To that end, we aim to integrate ourselves as fully into the local community as possible, through local events, weekly
groups & activities and letting the church buildings at reduced rates to local
community groups. God has brought us together to help and encourage each other.