Join us for Sunday service, community events and more

Recurring Events

Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
Transformative Prayer Session | 10AM-12PM

Please be encouraged to call our prayer line on: 07512 571221 for our prayer team to pray with you and for you. This is a virtual event.

Group of a coffee cups. Photo in vintage color image style.

Coffee Mornings | 10AM-12PM

Come down to our church for a coffee/tea, a warm space and great conversations with the wise and wonderful of Barnet.


Every Second Wednesday of the Month
IGC Health & Wellness Sessions | 11AM-2.30PM

Join us on the 2nd Wednesday of every month to receive free health advice and check-ups with our outreach nurse. Get weight, blood pressure, blood sugar, and urine tests to prioritize your well-being at IGC.

Every Second Wednesday of the Month
Abundant Life Group (Young Adults) | 7PM-9PM

Connect with us midweek in the IGC Lower hall as we meet to share, engage, and walk life together.

Every Third Wednesday of the Month
G.R.A.C.E Meeting | 7PM-9PM

Join us in the IGC Upper hall as we Gather to Reflect, Acknowledge, Connect and Encourage eachother

Worship Service at IGC | 11AM-1PM

Meet with us for our Sunday worship service. All are welcome to gather together with us.

One-of-a-kind Gatherings

Wednesday 14th February 2024
IGC Health & Wellness Sessions | 11AM-3PM

Join us on the 2nd Wednesday of every month to receive free health advice and check-ups with our outreach nurse. Get weight, blood pressure, blood sugar, and urine tests to prioritize your well-being at IGC.


Stay connected and join us on our lifelong walk with Christ!

By signing up, you’ll receive inspiring Bible verses, words of encouragement, our latest newsletters and event updates directly in your inbox.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to prioritise your spiritual well-being. Sign up now and become a fully-fledged member of our Inclusive Grace-filled Community.