Dave Bilbrough To Lead Worship This Easter

Image of Dave Bilbrough leading worship.

Dave Bilbrough - The Song That I SingWe are pleased to welcome back Dave Bilbrough to lead worship for us this Easter Sunday. Don’t be late so you can fully enjoy our worship time together. Worship starts at 10:30am on Sunday 27th March 2016. We will also have teaching from Paul Anderson-Walsh as he continues on in our series “A Woman’s Touch – Women Drawn Into The Mystery Of Christ”. If you’ve missed any of the previous talks in this series, you can catch up here. At the same link, you can also listen to over 200 hours of teaching stretching right back to 2010! So if you missed anything, that’s where it will be.

For a flavour of Dave’s worship, you can listen to his latest album; “The Song That I Sing” via Spotify below, or for more information about Dave’s current and previous work as well or to purchase his albums, visit Dave website at www.davebilbrough.com


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