September, time for a new start?

As we move into September the ninth month of the year it is a time for new starts
especially for children and young people. The holidays are over and the summer
weather has nearly passed. Some of us are re-energised after the holidays away. It’s
time for something new. What does God say about new starts?

Isaiah 43:18–19 – Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing
a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?

God is saying move on. Forget what is behind us and move on. We may have many
things that we wish we had not done. Leave it behind. As we get older there is more
and more that we may wish we hadn’t said or done. Don’t allow yourself to be
dragged down. Look for the new thing God is doing. Personally, I am looking to see
what new thing God is doing. The words ‘ springs up ‘ makes me think of movement
and activity and maybe surprise. There are many things that I would like to change,
that I have been praying about but I am looking for the new thing that God is doing.
He is doing a new thing and bringing us along with him. He is giving us hope for the
future. Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? We need to look out for it.

At the beginning of Isaiah 43 it says: But now, this is what the LORD says— he who
created you, Jacob, he who formed you, Israel: “Do not fear, for I have
redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.”

We belong to God and he has called us. Try not to be afraid of the future. Try not to
look back with regret. Whatever new things you are facing in your life don’t be afraid.
God knows your name and he is doing a new thing.

This short prayer helps me to focus on God, his presence, and his lead:

‘Give me the grace I need to hold your hand firmly as I take steps into unknown
waters. Father, I want to be open to you and your plans. Give me the wisdom to follow
your lead and help me be open to new things when they feel uncomfortable. God,
help me follow you even if your ways seem unfamiliar’. ( Betsy de Cruz )

As a church, we are looking forward. We want to see what new things God is doing in
our area. Whatever new ways God is leading us in we want to see it and be ready
wherever it ‘springs up’.

Written by Gill Mercer


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